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Founder Rich Schott is committed to bring high quality cryptocurrency content and trade analysis to the masses. He realize new people are coming into this new, expanding and evolving industry at record numbers. The technology behind cryptocurrencies is growing faster than anything he has seen in his lifetime. He wants to be the starting point to help new people exploring the industry and guide them down a safe path for optimal results.

Rich has been involved in the cryptocurrency markets since 2017 and has built a very successful portfolio. He is willing to share his experiences to help slingshot new people to even greater wealth. In the past, he saw the vision in 1993 and positioned himself in front of the massive Internet growth and generated millions of dollars. He has run multi-million dollar home-based businesses and is recognized as a leader in cryptocurrencies, networking, online marketing, business and real estate investing. He believes the cryptocurrency markets parallel the timing of the early 90's of the Internet, however 10 times greater opportunity since the crypto markets are changing the worldwide financial and communications industries over the next few years. Yes, it's coming fast!

Over the years, four things have dominated his life - love for family, an incredible work ethic, an entrepreneurial spirt, and a great passion for fishing.

"Timing right now is the best I have ever seen for everyone in this evolving industry to profit. Generational wealth will be created over the next few years. Cryptocurrency is the largest revolution in finance and communication of our lifetime!"
- Rich Schott -

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